Brilliant things happen in calm minds. Be calm. You’re brilliant.
~ Headspace

The Dreamwalkers Five S’s of Meditation - Silence, Space, Stillness, sBreathe, Share. Teachers will learn along side their students how to create an effective meditation space and practice in the classroom. No prep or pre-teaching required - just press play and go. After the instructional 5 S’s video for the day, the class will practice one of the S’s of Meditation by doing a Mindful Minute specifically selected for exercising the skill featured in the video.


Day 1 ~ Introduction

There is no meditation to practice after watching this video. It helps to pique student interest for their first meditation on Day 2.


DAY 2 ~ Silence.

Practice with the Forest Soundscape Meditation.


Day 3 ~ Space.

Practice with the Stretch and Relax Meditation.


Day 4 ~ Stillness.

Practice with the Stillness Practice Meditation.


Day 5 ~ Sbreathe

We know, we know… SBreathe isn’t a word. 😉
Practice with the Breathing Tempo Meditation.


Day 6 ~ Share.

Practice with the Future Self Meditation (6:38) or the Dragon Meditation (15:21).


*The 5 S’s were co-authored by Janet Gracey and Tyler Boyle