The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.
~ Confucius




. . . I thought I'd take a minute to say thank you for the magic your meditation brought to my day. With all four kids home with me today playing together, I felt my blood start to boil as sibling rivalry continued to escalate and my words did nothing to stop it. Finally, I remembered your Dreamwalker videos and had everyone get down on the floor to listen. While they were pretty wiggly, they did listen for the most part. We all had a little time out for ourselves and I'm now experiencing the magic (even if it is temporary). Their tempers, as well as the noise level, have calmed... and I can breathe again. Much gratitude to you both!

~ Steph, Using Dreamwalkers at home.

. . . These are wonderful! The kids come in from recess at 12 very hyped up and every day look forward to their Mindful Minutes. I find it helps me too. Thanks for sharing!

~ Carrie, Primary Teacher

Reduce stress.

. . . Just had to take a sec to share with you. My child had to have a molar pulled today, she was extremely nervous...she chose to listen to your unicorn meditation video during the procedure and she wanted me to tell you how much it helped her. I thought you would appreciate hearing a great big thank you, from all of us. You helped make today a little easier for the wee girl. You have no idea how much it helped, she had a pretty traumatizing experience at our family dentist which ultimately led to her having to have this molar out at a specialist. Nervous is an understatement but she was a trooper, even the dentist was floored that she did it with just freezing, no gas or oral sedative (apparently that rarely happens with kids). I truly believe you were part of her getting through it calmly today!

~ A YouTube subscriber

Create change.

. . . Our school has been committed to supporting the positive mental health of all our students and staff every day. Each day, the entire school stops what they are doing for 5-15 minutes to be mindful. At the sound of a chime broadcast over the PA system, students find a spot where they can relax that is spaced from away others, and begin to take deep breaths and just rest. Forty-five seconds after the chime, the Mindful Minutes begin. These include guided visualizations where the students step into the pages of a story in their imagination and live the experience in 4D. Many of the Mindful Minutes are guided with an instructional and experiential aspect to them. There is a focus for each session, including integrity, kindness, finding calm, and self-esteem, to name a few. Everyone at our school looks forward to finding the calm and having a chance to reflect on themselves each day.

~ Sue, Principal, BWDSB